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How will you remember 2020?

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2020 will go down in history as one of the hardest years for us all. But it doesn’t have to be a year that we WANT to forget. It can be a year where we found our strength.

Where we found our grit and true path.

It can be the year that marks the beginning of us truly stepping into the life we were meant for.

If you choose… 2020 can be the year where you were forced to pivot.

Forced to reflect and to learn.

Forced to change.

Change for the better. Reflect on the gifts the challenges of 2020 gave you to make 2021 your best year ever.

Much love and happy new year!


How to get past being STUCK in your business and get to DOING what you know you should do…

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In this video I share a story of why this sweet boxer was left behind… 

Sophie is my 7 year old boxer rescue who has my heart. She gets her daily walks Monday through Friday, but this past Sunday… I had a revelation that I think will help you in your business.

If you’re looking to start DOING more effective actions to get you closer to your goals, you’re going to want to hear this…

Especially if you’re like me and can’t say “no” to a face like this… most of the time 🙂

Enjoy! And if you get value, make sure you share or comment below.
To your success,


How To Attract Quality Prospects Without Sending Copy And Paste Messages

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It was over 10 years ago that we became full-time entrepreneurs, network marketers and business owners.

My husband JT and I quit our full-time Navy Officer careers leaving the comfort of guaranteed income, medical benefits, and promising careers. 

At first we stepped out from that safety net with boldness… feeling supported, free, and optimistic that everything would work out.

We made the lists, approached friends and family, cold called strangers, held parties… I even “shared” my excitement with friends, family and copied and pasted messages to people who I thought would be awesome for our “ground floor” opportunity…

…we did it all and failed miserably. 

But there’s good news… we eventually found a better way

Finding this information back when we were just starting out would’ve saved us a lot of pain, discomfort and lost friends.. but we wouldn’t trade our journey for the world because…

Our journey was worth it because…

Over the 10 years, we learned more about ourselves than we ever could have in the U.S. Navy (JT was my pilot and I was his navigator… yes, true love story 🙂 And now we have more time to spend actually raising our children, travel the world and work with incredible like-minded people… not to mention the financial gain.

It’s amazing what can happen when you find all the things that don’t work and are open to what does… when you have finally have the strategies to make this business your profession and not just a fly-by-night hobby.

Take it from me. The realization of a better life for you, your family and your future is worth it all.

And it’s yours for the taking.

Now we live in a place we love surrounded by people we enjoy. We eat healthy everyday by choice and provide everything our kids require from sports to recreation.

And most importantly for us, we have the time freedom to build our business when and where in the world we want to.

My husband JT went on to become an author, speaker and leadership development director doing what he loves impacting people all over the world. 

And I attract and coach like minded network marketers everyday and lead them to a better way of building their businesses online.

But our journey to the present moment has not been without its failures. 

In fact, what I did for many years didn’t work for me.. I didn’t feel authentic doing it.. until I found a better way… (I’ll share more on that in a bit.)

I was far from perfect. In fact, if you are like me, you may have done any number of these…

Have you ever…

  • …invited your friends and family over only to break out the company’s presentation and awkwardly try to convert your unsuspecting guests into business builders? I have.
  • …tried to prospect your car salesperson, your banker, or “anyone who fogs a mirror” only to be asked, “Is this Network marketing?” or “Is this one of those ponzi schemes?” (Ugh…this crushed me when I first heard this!!) I have.
  • …Facebook messaged a top networker with a long drawn out explanation on how excited you are about this new “ground floor” opportunity that they’d be crazy not to join now? I definitely have.

I’ve got plenty more blunders, but I’m actually pretty embarrassed thinking about them all. LOL

The point is not to point fingers or to beat myself up, but to share the fact that I made my fair share of mistakes along the way.

It’s actually pretty depressing to think that all my mistakes came out of a genuine desire to want to help others… I just didn’t know how to do it right back then…

But just because most network marketers and direct sales marketers are like me, genuine people with the desire to help others, doesn’t mean they get off the hook and aren’t held accountable for their actions!

You see, the people who are doing this type of prospecting online aren’t building their businesses, they’re actually destroying their own reputations and the reputation of network marketers around the world

That’s a pretty bold statement, but I’m willing to back it up.

Most Network marketers have been taught the wrong way to prospect online…

You see, there is a fine line between prospecting and spamming

Let’s first address the word spam because I think most people overlook their actions and don’t categorize themselves as a spammer because their “intentions” are in the right place ( I know I did).

The definition of spam

irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the Internet to a large number of recipients.

send the same message indiscriminately to (large numbers of recipients) on the Internet.

Most network marketers fall into this category of spamming and sending “irrelevant” or “inappropriate” messages to as many people as they know and to people they don’t know.

I’ve recently received some real-life examples of the WRONG way to do it from people I haven’t spoken to in years or have never spoke to at all:

Here’s the thing about spam… it’s all about quantity… not about quality.

And here’s the worst part.. it’s all about YOU…

Successful entrepreneurs and network marketers know that relationships take time to form and can be ruined in one bad encounter.

And the thing about relationships is that they are about two people relating.

You may be saying, “yeah, but Mia, I don’t have a lot of time to build relationships…”

That is true for many network marketers (like me) and that’s why they’re turning to the internet.

I recently coached a networker who’s previous business told him they’re no longer going to pay him residual income. He’d been building traditionally for 10 years, with a healthy 6 figure residual income coming in.

And literally overnight, his business, his team, his leaders, all vanished in a blink of the eye. Sure, he has a few key people who followed him to his new business, but most of his team…

90% gone.
10 years of work, gone. 

Yes, relationships take time to build… but with the internet, it can be faster than ever… and more personable than ever… and a lot can be automated.

But it starts with caring.

Caring enough to share what is working for them without an agenda. Caring to show others the way and give value without expectation of something in return. Caring to be authentic and be someone who can uniquely solve someone else’s problems.

Being you-niquely you and adding value to someone else who has a problem is one of the quickest ways to build rapport and the begin a relationship.

Do this over time and your business will absolutely grow… and not just linearly, but exponentially.

Anyone can cut and paste a message into FB messenger or hire someone from the Philippines for cheap to do it for them.

What gets people to notice you is not your product or opportunity or ground floor opportunity, it’s the genuine desire to care… through your actions.

Skilled online marketers know that putting in the time to build relationships online is a skill just like building their business offline.

Online prospecting is not easy, but it can be mastered if you know how to do it right.

If you’re still fuzzy on whether or not you spam instead of prospect, read on…

Top 3 ways to know if you’re spamming others

  1. You private message friends, family or complete strangers on social media with a link to join your opportunity.
  2. You get reported as a spammer to Facebook because of your message or you get angry 4 letter words as replies.
  3. You go to other people’s posts, groups communities of “like minded” people and post links to your opportunity or website in the comments section.

In addition to these 3 things… you can actually be seen as a spammer at networking events if you…

  1. Compulsively talk about your company or products, without anyone asking you to share.
  2. Or you engage in interactions online or offline with a hidden agenda, hoping to transition the topic to something that would get people interested in your opportunity, without caring about knowing the other person.

This last one is so important because it is the foundation of why most network marketers get discouraged and never become successful.

People can feel your agenda… they can feel if you don’t care about them… and they run!! The other way!!

When I stopped prospecting and started attracting people, my business boomed.

Yes, there is a massive difference between prospecting and attracting. The difference is when you’re prospecting, you’re chasing and when you’re attracting, you’re the one being chased.

What an incredible shift.

To have people contacting you, seeking you, wanting to know about what you’re doing before you even share any part of your opportunity with them, that’s power.

To not have a hidden agenda whenever you are talking to a family, friend, acquaintance or new friend, that’s freedom.

To feel like you can be present again and just have a normal conversation, that’s relieving!! Freedom to be yourself!!

You may be asking… then how do I build my business if I stop prospecting?

Leverage Your Time Online Rather Than 1-on-1 Prospecting With An Agenda

Now prospecting and spamming may work for some people… and I’m not here to make them wrong, but I know what feels right to me… and that’s attracting people rather than prospecting.

With the help of some mentors, I found an online recruiting strategy… that works!

Having an online recruiting strategy, I’m able to passively build my business with a lead flow that converts easily into customers all while spending time with family and friends doing the things I love to do.

Instead of spending hours spamming or private messaging, inviting people to my house (having to clean my house or prepare snacks, etc Yuck!!), I learned how to harness Facebook’s reach to help me attract more people who are interested in what I have, all using their ad platform (and it can be done on a shoe-string budget too which is how we started!)

I alluded to it before, but the strategy is called “attraction marketing” and it is designed specifically for network marketers and people selling top-tier direct sales products.

Because despite what other gurus may say, if you’re business is dependent on you “putting yourself out there” meaning private messaging strangers or long lost friends, spamming on social media posts, or even buying cold leads, etc. then you’re NOT really marketing, you’re spamming… despite your true “intentions”.

Prospecting online vs. Internet marketing!

Prospecting is actively seeking people… Internet marketing is a more passive strategy which, when used with attraction marketing actually works… even when you’re not actively taking action.

If you want to learn how it works, I reveal the entire strategy we use in a free 10 day online recruiting boot camp available here.

You’ll also get more information on a book that will go into depth on the attraction recruiting and selling formula.

If you’re sick of trying to build your business online, and what your upline tells you to do isn’t working for you, then you’re going to want to go through this 10 day bootcamp.

The alternative is to keep cold calling leads, buying lists, chasing away your warm market and prospecting with a cold market thinking it’s about numbers, then this passive strategy isn’t for you.

It’s not for me to tell you what feels authentic to you. I just know what has worked for us, and what feels better while living the lifestyle that is important to us.

I’ve never been a fan of chasing people.. I’d much rather they self-select out if they aren’t right for what I have to offer.

And that leaves the people who are REALLY interested in what I have to offer.

So if that’s you, then click here for more information about our FREE online recruiting bootcamp.

To your success,


Recruit A Team Even If You’re A Shy Networker

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If you’re a shy Network Marketer like me, then this is for you… 😊
I was so tired of bugging friends and family to join my business and quickly ran out of people to talk to while my business flailed.
In fact, all the rejection was really messing with my head and self esteem!😔
It wasn’t until I found and implemented what I talk about in this blog post that things really turned 🚀around for me.

When I got started in network marketing, I was told the same thing over and over again from my up-line…

“Get 3 who get 3 who get 3…” blah blah blah

Sounds easy, right?


In spite of being shy and introverted , I listened to my up-line because I wanted to make this work soooo bad

I burned through all my family and friends (who ended up either calling my business a “pyramid scheme” or stopped returning my calls and avoided me like the plague).

I even cold called realtors, bought phone lists of “hungry network marketing leads” whose numbers ended up being disconnected or wrong numbers…

I even got hostile people answer (and told off a couple of times 🙁

All of this rejection really took a toll on my self-esteem and reinforced my introverted personality!

Then when I went back to my up-line, I was told to hunt for prospects at networking events, and even to hold my own home meetings in hopes of signing up reps.

NOTHING worked… 3 never got 3 who got 3.

The worst of it was that I hated it… every step of the way…

Even though I was stretching myself… even though I was getting out of my comfort level… I still wasn’t getting ANY results…

All the while I kept hearing from my very successful, very wealthy up-line “just find your 3 people, who get 3 people…” as if he was a broken record.



My frustration with the lack of answers from my up-line, is what led me to eventually go online and find a network marketing mentor, Ferny, who used the Internet to build large teams, using a set of strategies, which is called “attraction marketing.”

Which I am going to teach you in a minute… (but if you’re action-oriented, then click the link here.)

But along with giving me strategies, attraction marketing solved the #1 problem in my network marketing business—a lack of fresh and new prospects for my business in my inbox everyday without me chasing anyone.

And I was able to find them, in a predictable way, without bugging friends and family OR cold prospecting strangers on the streets, in malls or at the local grocery store.

But more importantly, from my mentor, I learned that success in network marketing (or any business) isn’t about luck, or chance.

It’s about doing the right things in the right sequence, to achieve a specific result.

It’s strategic, skill based and can be done in a predictable way, which brings us to…


Literally, these 5 things, when done in the right order, can create the type of “push button” money — which offers you the ability to recruit network marketers with a few strokes of the keyboard on your computer.

Now, I know that sounds a bit “hypey,” or “TOO good to be true” (and I thought so at first, too), but let’s dive deeper…

Just like any other profession, in network marketing you need to learn specific skills and you need to treat what you are learning with the exact same seriousness that a doctor or lawyer treats the skills of their trade.

Here’s what you need first…


A strategy is essentially a series of specific steps that enable you to achieve a specific goal.

Now the key word here is specific.

You can draw the steps on a piece of paper or a whiteboard and map out how you’re going to achieve your goal.

Warning: if you’re not being taught any semblance of a short or long-term strategy by your up-line or company, you need to build your business somewhere else or with someone else!

I’m serious! It’s your time and resources.

You have 2 choices:

1. Develop the strategy yourself, which is going to take a lot of money, time, trial and error

2. You can find people who have already figured out exactly how to be successful in network marketing and model their strategy.

I recommend following a proven process from an already-successful networker who’s making money and doing it in a way that resonates with you. For me, the best strategy included using online recruiting methods, which fit my introverted personality perfectly, not to mention being a busy mom and having a family life.

In summary: Step #1 is to find a mentor or company that gives you a strategy for recruiting your first person, making your first sale, and eventually reaching your long-term goals ─ especially if you want to recruit network marketers into your business.

If somebody hasn’t provided that for you in whatever team or organization you’re in, then you either need to find a mentor that is willing to teach you a clear strategy or you can do what I did and give online recruiting a try by clicking here to learn more.


This step is the key to duplication in network marketing…

You want to teach your strategy to your down-line so they can go out, succeed, and you can profit in the process and the process should be simple, but not necessarily easy.

Now, recall that the business owner I mentioned before told us, “find 3 who find 3 who find 3.” I thought it sounded simplistic, moronic, and inauthentic.

After all, I was “looking” to sign up for this business and he was fed leads from the company and never had to find his 3 who found 3…

Looking back, I know why.

Issue 1: He made the process of building the business sound easy, because he didn’t want to scare us away by telling us the truth. (i.e. that we had to learn some tangible connecting skills and be in the right place at the right time.)

Issue 2: He was not doing what he preached.

He approached his business in one way (being positioned at the top from the beginning), while telling us to do something entirely different.

This meant we couldn’t duplicate, even if we wanted to, because catering to weakness doesn’t duplicate.

As a leader in my company, every single process and tactic that I use, I teach to my students and my down-line in my organization.

I give my team the exact same tools I use, and I’m constantly testing, refining, and improving my methods.

And if anything changes, I let them know.

That’s my responsibility as a leader.

Besides, developing strategies isn’t the team’s responsibility; it’s the leader’s.

I’m not saying that a strategy or tactic has to be a “home run” the first time it’s used by a new rep.

It just has to deliver results that can be assessed and be improved on over time.

It is very likely that your first time implementing a strategy won’t go well and you have to be ok with that, as long as you are committed to improving and learning.

A leader should teach with the assumption that you are willing to actually do the work, learn skills and are strong enough to persevere, the same way they do.

With this video training course, it will solve the #1 problem in network marketing, which is finding new, qualified prospects to talk to about your network marketing business.

But you still need to have effective conversations to enroll these prospects into your business.

In summary: The business building strategy must be repeatable & measurable so that anyone may perform them, see results and improve over time.

Act. Get Result. Adjust. Repeat…


When you treat the strategy you’re learning as seriously as you would the skills you’d learn in any other profession, you gain experience.

And with that experience comes an understanding of things that you just can’t learn in a course or in an audio book or training.

Here’s the truth of the matter: if you’re thinking, “I need to make money RIGHT NOW,” I can tell you’re setting yourself up for failure.

I don’t mean to be blunt, but “get-rick-quick schemes” are just that: schemes.

They don’t create sustainable, predictable success because the success is not based on the development of skills.

Unless you treat network marketing as a profession, you won’t succeed.

You’ll also tick off some of your leaders, because they have worked VERY hard to develop and learn the strategies that they used to get where they are… and there are no shortcuts to success.

Anyone who tells you there are is lying to you most likely to get your money.

It may seem like it’s super simple, because we are good at what we do & make it look easy, but it does require practice and time, so eventually it does become easy. (More on this in step #5.)

(Even then, if it takes you 3-6 months even a year to be effective, that’s better than wasting 40+ years at a job you hate or 10+ years figuring out all the same skills yourself!)

So if you’re serious about your network marketing business and you want to be a leader yourself, you have to get committed, gain experience, an appreciation for the experience and develop DEPTH of understanding, which is impossible to attain in any other way.

This is important, because it will help you develop strategies that fit your individual goals and personality.

It’s true, everyone building offline or online has the same basic foundation.

However, we all have different approaches, styles, and tactics, because we are all unique individuals with different stories and we all come to occupy a slightly different space in this business.

As you implement a strategy, you will customize it to bring out your strengths & bolster your weaknesses and make it your own.

In summary: you gain experience through repetition and you get depth of understanding, and eventually you start modifying tactics and processes so that your strategies fit you, your team, your company, your product, etc.


Once you have a strategy, a depth of understanding, and the experience from following steps 1-3, you’ll likely have achieved success in your business and now you’re in a position to teach what you know through video, Facebook Live, blogging, e-mails, and so on.

By creating a community and communicating with people every single day you’ll “pay it forward,” and not just for your down-line, but to the industry at large.

This will do 2 things for you…

1. People will notice that you’re a person that is giving value and other people are benefiting, and your following will grow. This is how our community grew, by the way.

2. As you build your fan base, you will create your own personal brand and become a leader, which will transcend any company or product. This, by the way, is key to the final step: “push button” income.

In summary: Once you “pay it forward” and develop a following by putting out value that helps others, you will have a following of people that know, like and trust you and who will want to learn more and more from you.

This is ultimately how you create a loyal community of people who love you, who know you will lead them in the right direction, and who will eventually buy what you have.


This is where you get the ability to sell and recruit network marketers… with less effort.

Would you be excited to start recruiting a lot of people one-on-one or selling a product to a lot of people, with the push of a button?

Sounds like something you can get use to right?

That push of a button can be clicking “send” on an email, clicking “start” on a webinar, clicking “publish” on a blog post, a combination of all of them, or whatever medium you choose.

Heck, you can even “voice” your call to action on Facebook Live and people will go buy your new course or fill out the form to sign up for your opportunity.


They trust you… and your community gives you credibility.

You paid it forward and have skills you developed that others would like to learn.

A lot of networker’s miss #4 and #5.

They miss the part about building a community beyond their network marketing organization.

And if anything goes wrong with their company or their team, they’re stuck and their income can vanish overnight.

They don’t have a “Back up Plan.”

You definitely want to be in a position where you’re not dependent on anyone or any company but yourself and your own brand, regardless of how awesome your network marketing company is.

That’s why step #4, building a community, is so important.

It allows you to do step #5 which is becoming a force that no one can stop and you’re able to recruit network marketers en mass, at will.

How does that sound?

Now what I just shared with you was a 5-step strategy for LEARNING and developing skills.

This strategy should be something you can apply, regardless of whether you choose to build offline or online.

However, if you’d like to learn the online business building strategies we use to generate 50 -80 red hot prospects per day, 15-25 new customers per day and 7-12 business builders per month, click here and I’ll gladly give you my Free Online Recruiting Course, so you can get started just like we did.

Regardless of how you choose to build, follow these 5 steps to guarantee your success:

Step #1 Find a strategy that is proven to work.
Step #2 Make sure that strategy is skill based & repeatable, so you can
Step #3 Gain experience through repetition so you have an understanding of depth and the experience.
Step #4 Pay it forward so you build a community around yourself, that know like and trust you.
Step #5 Become a force, recruit network marketers at will, and create “push button money”

Let me know how the 5 steps works for you!
